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New Series
"Women In their Elements"

The Inspiration

The strength, gentleness, and power of a woman is captivating. We usually see women depicted to induce a feeling or sway a sale. How magical would it be to allow her to tell her story without words, without pressure, but simply with a singular moment? It's a tranquil experience to witness when a woman is truly at peace with herself.


Capturing that unseen beauty is Kat Sauder's newest inspiration and popular growing series.

The Process

With her Women Series, she works directly with her subjects. The delicate conversation usually starts with questions like "When are you most at peace?", "As cliche as it may sound, where is your happy place?" or "What simple moments do you enjoy when no one is watching"?

Kat's work always derives from an image she captures herself. It begins with a conversation, then a photo shoot, and then the artist paints that intentional moment in a timeless masterpiece.

Capturing that unseen beauty is Kat Sauder's newest inspiration and popular growing series. 

© 2024 Images are subject to copyrighting. 

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